b'Proactive Safety Measures (PSM).informed purchasing decisions andWithout the commitment of CMC For 2014, we can report that ninety- also earn points under green buildingemployees around the world, none two CMC locations achieved a zerorating systems such as LEED. of the achievements detailed in this incident rate. The new PSM systemYoull read about these and otherreport would be possible. I thank them helps us eliminate more injuries byinitiatives in the pages that follow. Whilefor their meaningful contributions. addressing the underlying safetywe made good progress in many areasAnd I look forward to providing our concerns before injuries occur. of sustainability in 2014, we knowstakeholders regular updates on our Life Cycle Assessment. Wethat we have more work to do. Wecontinued progress and sustainability conducted life cycle assessmentswill continue to roll out our initiativessuccesses as CMC forges ahead, into of our products and producedacross CMCs global enterprise,our second century.Environmental Product Declarationscontinuing to engage and inspire allSincerely,(EPDs) that detail the environmentalemployees to embrace sustainability impacts and benefi ts of our steeland continuous improvement efforts.Joseph Alvaradoproducts, help our customers makeChairman of the Board,President and CEOOUR PERFORMANCECMC SUSTAINABILITY KPIS Unit of Measure 2014GOVERNANCE & ETHICSEmployees completing code of business conduct training % 39*Locations with a confi dential whistleblowing system % 100ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIPMetal recycled Tons 6,562,351Recycled content in manufactured fi nished steel % 96.7Production of raw steel Tons 3,861,587Raw steel produced from EAF % 100Raw steel produced from BOF % 0Slag processed for use as product % 100Baghouse dust/zinc recycled % 98Mills energy consumption intensity (Direct) GJ/ton 2.33 Water recycled % 95Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions CO /ton 0.1772 eqVALUING OUR PEOPLETotal recordable incident rate Incidents/100 employees 2.0CONTRIBUTING TO COMMUNITIESCharitable spending U.S. dollars 460,000CUSTOMER SERVICE AND PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITYCMC mills customer satisfaction ratings Average overall satisfaction ranking 4.5*** % of eligible employees** Out of 27 U.S. bar mills4'