b'The Santa Clause Action Building a Smart Home with the Gary Sinise Foundation2014 marks the eighth year that theCMC has been a corporate sponsoraround the home build site. Twenty-Santa Clause Action was held inof the Gary Sinise Foundation sinceone employees volunteered their Zawiercie, Poland. This annual event2013. The Foundation aids ourtime to assist in the clean-up and is a regular part of the Zawiercienations defenders, veterans, firstlandscaping at the home build.communitys Christmas preparations.responders and their families through CMC volunteers dressed as Santa gaveWe know through direct feedback from various programs including buildingour employees that CMCs ongoing away almost 1,000 gifts to the childrencustom smart homes for severely of Zawiercie, allowing CMC employeessupport of the Gary Sinise Foundation to give back to their community duringwounded veterans with the objectivemeans a great deal to them. They the holiday season.of increasing their mobility and helpinglike knowing CMC supports the them reclaim their self-sufficiency. Foundation financially but appreciate In 2014, we sponsored our secondeven more the opportunity to have a home, which was built in Columbus,hands-on impact through personal Georgia, for Army Ranger (Ret.)volunteerism. There are also strong Michael Schlitz and his mother, who ispersonal connections as many of our his full-time caregiver. Schlitz, a Purpleemployees have served in active duty. Heart recipient, was severely injuredThe homes we choose to support are in 2007 when an Improvised Explosivein communities where we operate, and Device exploded near the vehicle heour employees often know the families was riding in. He sustained burns overof the veteransand in some cases 85 percent of his body, and lost both ofeven the veterans themselves. The his hands and the vision in his left eye.dedication ceremony of the home for In addition to our financial support,retired Ranger Schlitz was an extremely CMC also had the opportunity to sendemotional occasion for all CMC a group of volunteers to Columbus toemployees who attended.assist with an exterior clean-up day COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY312014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'