b'To ensure we are indeed focusingOur engaged, passionate employeesACTING ETHICALLY on the sustainability issues of mostare what drive our companysConducting business ethically, legally, relevance to our business and to ourstrong performance. honestly and with integrity has been stakeholders, we conducted researchOur local communities rely on us toand will continue to be fundamental to on key performance metrics from thebe financially sustainable over thethe success of CMC. Complementing following sources:long term and to be good corporateour Guiding Principles, CMCs Code of CMCs Executive Leadershipcitizens. We rely on our communitiesConduct and Business Ethics outlines Team and Risk Managementfor our people and for support forthe expected behaviors of all employees, Committees view on most significantour operations. Plus, investing inboth in terms of how we relate to one sustainability issues for our business our communities increases employee pride. another and in our relationship to Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI)everyone we do business with. CMCs Ensuring we keep customers at the Sector Disclosure on MiningCode of Conduct and Business Ethics and Metals core of all we do and continuingwas originally adopted by the Board to exceed their expectations in Sustainability Accounting andof Directors in 1978, and to this day providing products and materials Standard Boards (SASB) Ironthat have been manufactured incontinues to serve as a guideline to help and Steel Producers Sustainabilitya socially and environmentallyall employees make appropriate daily Accounting Standard responsible manner is critical to decisions in areas such as conflicts of SASBs Metals and Miningour ongoing business success. interest, insider trading, anti-bribery, Sustainability Accounting Standard Good governance and ethics ensureemployment practices and more.Based on this analysis, we believe wewe honor our commitments, act withIn 2014, the ethics compliance have selected a core set of metrics thatintegrity and stay accountable for ourprogram became even stronger at CMC captured the issues that are importantactions to one another. with the integration of compliance into to stakeholders and have a positive,The process of putting our firstthe companys operational objectives. meaningful impact on our business insustainability report together has setAll CMC employees are expected to the short and long term. a baseline that will guide our effortsparticipate in the compliance training moving forward and help us trackprogram and complete an annual SUSTAINABILITY HAS A POSITIVEour progress.business ethics questionnaire. This IMPACT ON OUR BUSINESS As a global company, we know ourethics questionnaire changes each Understanding the impact ourapproach to managing sustainabilityyear and focuses on a situationaloperations have on the planet andneeds to be a coordinated and unitedvignette that encourages employees to doing what we can to manage thateffort globally, and there will always bethink about how they should respond footprint makes our business moreopportunities for improvement. We arein particular situations. Participation efficient, helps reduce our costs andcommitted to operating at the highestis tracked and reported to the highest improves our product profile. levels of accountability. Our actions willlevel of the organization. continue to reflect the pride we takeThis program was rolled out in 2014. as a responsible, successful business.In 2015, our goal is 100 percent participation globally. CMC strives to make a positive impactTying completion of the ethics questionnaire to the companys on our customers, our communities,operational objectivesand making our people and our shareholders. it accessible for all employees 12'