b'a signifi cant greenhouse gas. In 2013,emissions than traditional blast furnaceDEVELOPING AN CMC invested in the developmentsteelmaking technology. As a result,INNOVATIVE MICRO MILLof a powder additive that enablesthe energy intensity of our operationsCMC was at the forefront of the a higher proportion of recyclableis signifi cantly lower than the globallatest innovation in steelmaking materials, including fl y ash and slag,industry average (see graph below). which CMC Australia acquires fromtechnology with the 2009 a third party, to be used in place ofLifecycle energy intensity required to produce CMCcommissioning of CMC Steel cement. This additive has the sameproducts (2014) vs. industry average productsArizona, a micro mill in Mesa, (2014) as reported by Worldsteel Associationphysical, mechanical and performanceArizona. Developed by CMC in properties as standard cement and20.40 conjunction with Danieli, the micro can be used to make more sustainablemill was the fi rst production scale bricks, mortar and masonry products.10.57 facility of its type to be successfully GJ/tonnetonnes/tonne steel COIn 2014, CMC Australia partneredoperated in the world. The mills with a brick manufacturing companygroundbreaking continuous-in China to develop blocks and bricksCMC U.S.WORLD STEELMILLS INDUSTRY AVERAGE* continuous process enabled CMC using the additive. The new bricks are * Industry primary metals production to melt, cast and roll steel from a composed of 75 percent fl y ash, are 30 percent lighter than standard masonryIn addition, by using steel scrap assingle uninterrupted strand with products, have a 50 percent reducedour primary raw material, we conserveminimal reheating of materials. carbon footprint, superior durabilitynatural resources and reduce CO This process allows for higher 2and meet Australian building codes. emissions by an estimated 58 percentyields, a 90 percent reduction in compared with the global average. Inenergy consumption during the 2014, our lifecycle greenhouse gasreheat process, and a savings of emissions were 0.79 CO 2tonnes permore than 21,000 tons of COtonne of raw steel produced. 2emissions per year compared with 2014 Lifecycle COGreenhouse Gas Emissions the traditional minimill process. 2CMC Steel Arizona was awarded 1.90 the 2012 Steel Manufacturers By implementing programs andAssociation (SMA) Achievement in technologies that allow us to recover as0.79 Innovation Award for building the much recyclable material as possible,fi rst micro mill in the United States. 2we are able to reduce our operating CMC U.S.WORLD STEELcosts and operational risks andMILLS INDUSTRY AVERAGEminimize the environmental impacts associated with landfi lling waste.ENERGY EFFICIENCY ANDCLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION All of CMCs steel mills use state-of-the-art Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs), which consume less energy and release fewer greenhouse gasCMC STEEL ARIZONACOMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY172014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'