b'Heart Walk CMC team members participated in 3-mile IN SUPPORT OFHeart Walk in Dallas, TX.THE AMERICAN HEARTCMC employees also raised$3,100ASSOCIATION through a Jeans Week to support the cause.Veterans CMC donated $1 for every ton of steel Day myCMCpurchased through myCMC, our online Donationcustomer portal. In 2014, CMC Steel made a IN SUPPORTdonation of$7,000to the Wounded OF WOUNDEDWarriors Project.WARRIORS PROJECTEarth Day DallasVolunteers from CMC Recycling shared recycling factswith the community at this annual event.Making Strides Against Breast80CMC team members from Mesa, AZ Cancerparticipated in the 5K walk, raising over IN SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN$1,000.CANCER SOCIETYCOMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY292014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'