b'CEO LetterTo all the stakeholders of Commercial Metals Companyour customers, our employees, our communities and our investorswelcome to CMCs fi rst corporate sustainability report.This report highlights CMCssafe and inspiring them to reach their sustainability efforts in fi scal 2014 butfull potential improves productivity its also appropriate to acknowledgeand performance. Contributing to that our current initiatives draw upon aour communities helps make CMC century of sustainability, from our verya valued corporate citizen and an beginning as a single-location recyclingattractive place to work. And supplying operation in Dallas, Texas. our customers with excellent serviceJoseph AlvaradoToday, from Texas to Australia toand products helps ensure thatChairman of the Board,Zawiercie, Poland, we continue tocustomers continue to rely on CMCPresident and for their metals needs. Chief Executive Offi cerbuild on the foundation of socially responsible conduct establishedKey 2014 sustainability initiatives throughout our history, from 1915include:on. In addition to strong ethics andStrengthened ethics compliance values, we organize our sustainabilityprogram. We have integrated efforts and our reporting aroundcompliance into our operational the key concepts of environmentalobjectives, with measures including stewardship, valuing our people,a training program and an annual contributing to our communities,business ethics questionnaire. In and providing the highest levels2015, our goal is 100 percent global of customer service and productparticipation.responsibility.Better Buildings, Better Plants We believe operating CMC in aProgram. Our participation in this responsible, sustainable way is simplyU.S. Department of Energy program the right thing to do. But we alsohas led to the implementation of believe it contributes to the success of15 major energy effi ciency projects, our business. Reducing our emissionswhich have already resulted in and energy usage, for example, issignifi cant energy savings.not only good for the environment, it also reduces our costs and improves our effi ciency. Keeping our people COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY32014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'