b'Customer Service and Product ResponsibilityAt CMC, we are committed to delivering industry-leading customer service every day. As pledged in our Guiding Principles, we place the customer at the core of all we do. We believe that if we focus on meeting the needs of our customers, we will succeed. We work hard to understand our customers needs and provide creative solutions that add value to their businesses. In order to ensure that our productsIn the Jacobson & Associates SteelAt our U.S. mills, CMC also hosts and services meet or exceedCustomer Satisfaction SurveytheSteel School eventsan interactive customer expectations, CMC operatesindustry benchmark for measuringtwo-day experience where CMC a formal Commercial Excellencethe performance of steel producerscustomers are educated on the Program, involving multiple customerin customer satisfactionour millsteelmaking process, learn about the feedback mechanisms, a continuouslocations consistently rank highly. manufacturing challenges we face on improvement management system andIn September 2014, CMC mills werea daily basis and are able to tour one extensive employee training. ranked #1, 4, 5 and 8 for overallof our steel mills to see the process customer satisfaction out of 27 barin action. Customers often send CUSTOMER FEEDBACK MECHANISMS mills surveyed in North America.experienced employees as well as new We proactively gather feedback onIn the same survey, three of ourhires to gain an understanding of our an ongoing basis from our customersmills were also ranked #1, 2 and 3process, so they can better perform in a variety of ways, including usingfor e-commerce solutions. Thesetheir own jobs and become a partner three different survey tools that trackresults recognize our ongoing effortsand insider in the steelmaking and evaluate our customer satisfactionto optimize our myCMC web-basedprocess. In 2014, CMC hosted over performance:application, which makes doing100 customers at CMC Steel Alabama, business with us as easy and seamlessCMC Steel South Carolina and CMC 1. U.S. national Jacobson & AssociatesSteel Arizona.Steel Customer Satisfaction Surveyas possible, as well as offering 2. InfoQuest business-to-businessadditional business-to-business electronic data exchange programsEXTERNAL PARTNERSHIPS customer satisfaction surveysfor customers.CMC participates in several trade 3. CMC project-specific surveys associations and in multiple At select CMC locations, we host In 2014, customers representing overannual customer events, which providecommittees as part of our efforts 70 percent of CMCs sales revenueopportunities for customers to learnto engage and collaborate with were surveyed to learn more about howmore about our business and providekey industry stakeholders. These we are performing from the customersfeedback face-to-face. In 2014, 300partnerships include: perspective in areas such as service,participants representing approximatelyConcrete Reinforcing Steel Institute quality, delivery and e-commerce.200 companies attended our customer(CRSI) event at CMC Poland. American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA)COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY332014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'