b'CMC STEEL TEXASI n 2013, CMC formalized our Energy Effi ciency Program. One key element of the initiative: we became a member of the U.S. Department of Energys Better Buildings, Better Plants Program, a national effort to drive signifi cant improvements in energy effi ciency across industrial manufacturers in the United States.As part of this program, CMC has committed to reducing the energy intensity of our locations, with a goal of 25 percent reduction by 2023, compared with a 2012 baseline. While we are undertaking energy effi ciency projects globally, the Better Plants program focuses our efforts on our fi ve U.S. steel mills. CMCs steel mills represent 95 percent of CMCs total U.S. energy consumption.In the fi rst two years of the Better Buildings, Better Plants Program, CMC has reduced our U.S. energy consumption by 4.1 percentenough energy to power 30,627 homes forone year!And thats just the beginning. In 2014, CMC implemented 15 major energy effi ciency projects. We know that good energy management practices are not only good for the environment; they are good for business as well.ENHANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY14'