b'Valuing Our PeopleAt CMC, we know that people are the most important part of our business. As sucha fundamental element of our Guiding Principles is to Stay committed to employees from the moment they begin working at CMC. We care for our employees by providing an environment where safety is our top concern and where employees have the opportunity for both personal and professional growth. We foster a culture that challenges conventional thinking, promotes teamwork, requires accountability and rewards success.SAFETY IS OUR TOP PRIORITY injuries. We are proud of the fact thatbeyond what is regulated, and includes Without exception, safety is our topin 2014 all areas in the Americasformal training specific to where the priority. Every gain and benefit to ourand International divisions hit 100employee is operating in the business, business depends on doing our jobspercent of their corporate objectivesbecause safety and health hazards safely. Every employee is responsiblerelated to safety and health. We areare unique and site specific. An for safety and health performance. also proud that in 2014 CMC hademployee working with a scrap metal The highest ranking person on site at92 locations globally with a zero totalshredder faces different hazards than every one of our facilities is ultimatelyrecordable incident rate. Since actingthe employee who works in the office responsible for safety, and thesesafely is everyones responsibility,or is on the road making sales calls. individuals report through a Regionalwe have created a culture of sharedSupervisors at CMC receive safety VP and ultimately to our President andaccountability through the newleadership training specific to their CEO. Our CEO reports on our safetyProactive Safety Measures (PSM)role, which formalizes the expectations and health performance quarterly toinitiative introduced in 2014. Thisemployees have of their supervisors the Board of Directors.system not only encourages safeand vice versa. practices, it expects peers to let each other know when they perceive unsafeM MITTE DThe safety of ouractions or conditions. Right Today. C O T ORight Tomorrow. SAFETYpeople is paramount. Every employee at CMC receivesCommercial Metals Companysafety awareness training. In 2014, The importance placed on safety atwe engaged FDRsafety, a nationallyGlobally, CMC has seen incremental CMC is also reflected in our corporaterecognized leader in safety trainingimprovements year over year in our objectives. Although zero is our goal,to work with all U.S. CMC locationstotal recordable incident rate (TRIR). and we are not there yet, we areto instill a want to be safe mindset.In 2014, our TRIR was 2.0, down from making positive progress in reducingFor safety training globally, CMC goes2.3 in 2013.COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY212014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'