b'Managing Our Sustainability ImpactSustainability is part of our DNA at CMC. The very nature of our businesswhich includes reclaiming and recycling metalscontributes to long-term sustainability by taking material that would otherwise be landfi lled and turning it into fi nished steel products that support local communities and global economies. Environmental sustainability is only part of our sustainability story; caringSUSTAINABILITY FOCUS AREASfor our employees, giving back to the community and adding value for our shareholders have also been embedded in our culture fromthe beginning. In 2014, we focused our sustainability initiative on the areas identifi ed in our materiality assessment as being most important to our stakeholders and highly relevant for our business ENVIRONMENTALCONTRIBUTING success. These areas are: transparentSTEWARDSHIP STRONG TO COMMUNITIESgovernance, strong ethics, safe and successful lives for our employees,ETHICS ANDactive community involvement,VALUESresponsible environmental stewardship and effi cient use of resources and, through all these efforts, adding value for all our stakeholders.Well highlight our efforts in these key areas, grouping them under headings in this report. These efforts work together to create value for our employees, our customers, our suppliers, our communities, ourVALUINGCUSTOMER SERVICE &investors and everyone connectedOUR PEOPLE PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITYwith CMC.COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY112014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'