b'Association for Iron and Steelassigning responsibility to theCUSTOMER Technology (AIST) appropriate management team andSATISFACTION Institute of Scrap Recyclingtracking progress against our targets onHIGHLIGHTSIndustries (ISRI) a monthly basis. Metal Building ManufacturersAwards and Recognition for Association (MBMA) In 2015, we aim to further improveExceptional Customer Service:Metal Service Center Institute (MSCI)our systems by integrating customer feedback data into our Enterprise In July 2014, CMC Recycling Steel Joist Institute (SJI)Resource Planning (ERP) system.ranked in the top 99th percentile Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA) Once integrated, data collected inof the BSI/InfoQuest Survey for U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) our customer feedback surveys willCustomer Satisfaction compared American Institute of Steelautomatically populate dashboards thatto other industrial companies. Construction (AISC) will enable our employees to monitor American Concrete Institute (ACI) progress against customer satisfaction In 2012, CMC earned an Transportation Research Board (TRB) targets in real time.American Metal Market Award American Association of Statefor Steel Excellence under the Highway and Transportation Offi cialsEMPLOYEE TRAINING category Steel Producer of the (AASHTO)Polish Steel Association (HutniczaIn 2014, CMC developed theYear, which includes criteria for Izba Przemysowo Handlowa) Commercial Excellence Program,customer service, support and Scrap Association (Izba Przemysowowhich included classroom trainingretention initiatives. Handlowa gospodarki zomem) on exceptional customer service that Twice in the last fi ve years, CMC International Steel Trade Associationwill be conducted in 2015 for U.S.has been selected by EATON as a (ISTA) employees across every department British Constructional Steelworkin order to improve our processesPremier Supplier. Only 200 out Association (BCSA) and foster a culture of continuousof 25,000 suppliers receive such British Standards Institute (BSI) improvement. We are working toelite status. Singapore Metal & expand our customer service training For the past several years, CMC Machinery Associationprogram to include business-unit- has been recognized by Alcoa for South East Asia Iron and specifi c training, and an e-learningbeing a Top Ten North American Steel Institute module will be made available in Singapore Business Federation Scrap Supplier.CMCs e-learning library in 2016. Our participation in these associationsThis training will be a requirement allows us to stay informed of emergingfor all new employees.industry issues that may impact ourWe take our customer satisfaction direct customers and their markets, andtargets seriously. These targets are therefore impact our business as well.part of our Corporate Objectivesalong with fi nancial objectives we CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM have a set of operational objectives All customer feedback we receive isrelated to safety, ethical compliance, fed into our continuous improvementsupply chain effi ciencies and management system. Whencustomer service. Progress towards opportunities for improvement arethese objectives is measured and identifi ed, we make every effort tocommunicated in monthlyaddress the situation by developingemployee meetings. targets and corrective action plans, 34'