b'TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 CEO Letter5 About Us11 Managing Our Sustainability Impact15 Environmental Stewardship21 Valuing Our People27 Contributing To Communities 33 Customer Service andProduct Responsibility35 GRI Content IndexABOUT THIS REPORTSustainability is not new to CMC, but thiswhich includes our recycling, mills,Disclosures from the Global Reporting inaugural sustainability report is our fi rstfabrication and marketing and distributionInitiatives G4 Sustainability Reporting effort to offi cially document our ongoingbusiness segments.Guidelines, we have not endeavored to commitment. The report covers keyDuring our materiality assessment, wereport in accordance with GRI G4, but activities from our 2014 fi scal year, whichidentifi ed our customers, employees,follow GRI General Guidelines where began in September 2013 and ended incommunities and shareholders as theapplicable. A GRI Content Index is August 2014. All of the key performanceprimary stakeholders for our reporting. Thisprovided at the back of this report. At metrics presented are from this timeframe,report covers the sustainability topics thatCMC, sustainability is a continuous effort, with the exception of our environmentalare most important to those stakeholdersand we plan to report on a bi-annual basis performance data, which is collected andand have the most impact on our company,to show our progress. managed on a calendar year basis. Unlessand it complements our fi nancial reporting.Our Executive Team has reviewed, otherwise shown, we are reporting dataAlthough we are including Standardcontributed and approved the report. and information from our global enterprise 2'