b'WATER STEWARDSHIP Water conservation is becoming an increasingly important global issue. This is particularly the case in regions with high water stress, such as the southern U.S. where fi ve of CMCs mills are located. CMC takes its responsibility for water management seriously and is continuously evaluating how to improve water conservation and increase reuse.Although our operations use large quantities of water for process cooling, 95 percent of our global water use is recycled and reused in our operations multiple times. Recycled water is used for cooling EAF electrodes, slag quenching, dust control andlandscape irrigation. In addition to our water conservation efforts, CMC also invests in initiatives to minimize our water discharges and ensure we are in compliance with all applicable regulations. For example at CMC Steel South Carolina, a dissolved air fl otation system was recently installed to remove additional dissolved solids from the water. As a result, the water returned to rivers and other sources is cleaner than when it was extracted. To date, two of our steel mills, CMC Steel Arizona in Mesa and CMC Steel Texas in Seguin, have achieved zero discharge of process wastewater. We are currently working to achieve zero discharge at our remaining mills.Sustainability and recycling arentadd-ons for usits our bottom line.Kolin Keller, Vice President Operations Support at CMC AmericasCOMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY192014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'