b'Contributing To CommunitiesAt CMC, we are committed to being a good corporate citizen and making a positive impact in our local communities where we live and work. These commitments are reflected in our companys Guiding Principles. We know that our communities expect us to be sustainable financially over the long term, and CMC strives to make a difference in our communities. We know that giving back to the communities in which we operate also means a lot to our employees. CMC employees who embrace our community values tend to bring a high degree of energy and passion to their work.In an effort to make the most impact,more closely in 2014. Through in-CMC decided to be more strategickind gifts of steel and construction about not only our approach to giving,products, donations and employee but the level of our engagement involunteerism, CMC was proud to the communities in which we operate.support organizations including Habitat Since 2011, we have been changingfor Humanity, Scrap Can Be Beautiful and formalizing our approach in twoand the Gary Sinise Foundation. key ways. We have worked to becomeOther non-profit organizations and more visible in our communities byinitiatives CMC supports include our increasing the level of engagement ofannual United Way fundraising drive, our employees in local initiatives.the annual Heart Walk and Go Red for Additionally, CMC has streamlinedWomen fundraising efforts in support our charitable donations by focusingof the American Heart Association, on areas that are aligned with ourongoing contributions to disaster companys values. By strengtheningrelief efforts and our assistance to the the link between our giving areasGenesis Womens Shelter in Dallas, and our business, we are able towhich works to build womens self-maximize our donations so thatesteem and self-sufficiency.they make the greatest impact. It also enables us to directly align our employee volunteerism efforts with our employees talents and passions. This refocusing is evident in theIn 2014, CMC gave over $460,000 organizations we chose to align withto charitable organizations.COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY272014 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'