b'CONTRIBUTING TO THE DEVELOPMENTand reduces consumption of primaryutilizing 97 percent recycled inputs OF A CIRCULAR ECONOMYraw material resources.to manufacture our fi nished steel Steel is used in thousands ofproducts applicationsfrom the construction ofensuring that more than 95 percent buildings and infrastructure to theof the scrap from our own steel manufacturing of machinery andmill production and downstream appliancesand plays an essentialfabrication operations was collected, role in making modern societyrecycled and circulated back into the Steel is also 100 percent recyclableproduction of new steel sustainable. One of the key properties that make steel a sustainable materialand can be recycled indefi nitely withAs Kolin Keller, Vice President Operations is its durability. Steel products areno compromise in quality. This meansSupport at CMC Americas, explains: long-lasting and can be reused andthat as long as steel is recovered at theSustainability and recycling arent add-remanufactured many times, whichend of each products life cycle, it willons for usits our bottom line. further extends the life of the productremain a permanent resource for society. In addition, because scrapWASTE MANAGEMENT ANDAccording to the World Steelsteel retains its value in the market,MATERIAL RECOVERYAssociation, recyclingthe recovery rate in the industry isCMC is always looking for innovative accounts for signifi cantextremely high. Steel is one of theways to reduce waste and optimize the energy and raw materialmost recycled materials in the world! use of by-products generated during savings: over 1,400 kgIn 2014, CMC contributed to thesteel production. In addition to steel [3,086 lbs] of iron ore,development of a global circularscrap, other major outputs from our 740 kg [1,631 lbs] of coal,economy by: manufacturing operationsincluding and 120 kg [265 lbs] of limestone are saved for everybeing a signifi cant, global scrapslag, mill scale and zincare virtually tonne [1.1 tons] of steelmetal recycler, recycling more than100 percent reusable or recyclable. scrap made into new steel. 6.39 million tons of scrap metalUsing steel by-products to substitute resources in other industries can reduce raw material consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. CMCS STEEL For example, globally in 2014, 100 LIFE CYCLE percent of CMCs slag was recovered and used in road construction, as an STEEL RECYCLING additive for cement production and other applications. Additionally, CMC collected 98 percent of its Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) dust in order to extract USE REUSE & and recycle zinc and other metals to REMANUFACTURING STEEL PRODUCTION avoid sending any materials to the landfi ll.Slag can also be used in cement in the production of concrete. Of all industrial processes, cement MANUFACTURING production generates the largest amount of carbon dioxide (CO ), 216'