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TruWEAR Abrasion Resistant Steel Bar and Plate Suppliers


In steel applications where abrasion resistance and toughness are important, TruWEAR’s superior durability and strength will extend the equipment service life even in the most demanding environments. Melted and manufactured in the U.S., CMC Impact Metals’ abrasion resistant steel delivers the hardness and toughness to keep your equipment productive and in service for years to come. 

CMC TruWEAR logo on metallic-looking background

Hardness and toughness

CMC Impact Metals’ advanced heat treating, quench and tempering process produces a superior hardness combined with high strength that results in a lightweight, strong and wear-resistant steel capable of withstanding harsh conditions.

TruWEAR’s chemical structure and mechanical properties provide for a combination of wear resistance and durability that sets it apart from other types of steel. Its durability and toughness allows for heavy impact without permanent deformation or cracking when stressed or impacted beyond its yield point.

Formability and weldability

TruWEAR’s chemical composition, along with the heat-treating, quench and tempering processes creates steel with ductility that allows for formability for most TruWEAR products. Manufacturers and fabricators can use most conventional, manual or automated welding processes when working with TruWEAR steel products. Our dedicated team of support experts can provide additional information on any forming requirements or instructions for welding.



Our abrasion-resistant steel AR400 flat bar is heat-treated for use in construction, manufacturing and structural applications and is suitable for projects and applications that require a combination of highstrength, toughness and abrasion resistance.

As a mill-rolled product, our TruWEAR AR400 Flat Bar has a smooth edge that helps ensure straightness, safer handling and overall product consistency, and features both a combination of high abrasion resistance and weldability.


Our abrasion resistant flat bar has uses and applications across multiple industries. It is often used in wear strips and end-use products that need to endure repetitive movement and wear. Common industries and applications for TruWEAR AR400 flat bar:

  • Manufacturing
  • Bulk material handling
  • Paper/pulp mills
  • Steel mills
  • Snow plows
  • Mining applications
Flat bar products

TruWEAR abrasion resistant steel is available as a high-strength flat bar in AR400 (HBW) grade. Please call for additional details or to inquire about product offerings not included here.

Click on the product name to download the specification sheet.

Flat Bar Products
  Hardness (nominal HBW) Thicknesses (inches) Widths (inches) Lengths (Feet) Tensile Strength Carbon Equivalency Hardness Range Charpy Impact @-40°F (-40°C)
TruWEAR AR400 Flat Bar 400 0.250” - 1.00” 2” - 10” Up to 20' 190 ksi  
(1310 MPa)
0.61- 0.64 360-440 25 ft-lbs (34J)



TruWEAR abrasion resistant steel plate provides manufacturers with a tough, durable, high-strength plate. Capable of maintaining a long service life in challenging conditions, TruWEAR steel plate meets the most stringent requirements and specifications for chemical and mechanical properties.

Flatness and surface quality

Our TruFLAT technology ensures that TruWEAR plate excels in downstream fabrication processes. Our state-of-the-art heat treating, quenching and tempering process reduces and relieves the stresses induced during manufacturing, ensuring the parts remain flat when cut. TruWEAR steel plate products have a superior surface quality that produces a smooth finish ready for exposed or painted applications. Shot blasting and rust-prevention applications are also available.


Our abrasion resistant steel plate is a reliable solution for industries requiring tough performance steel. Our AR steel products have multiple uses, but primarily lend their toughness and hardness to applications for construction, mining, forestry and manufacturing industries, extending the service life of hard-working equipment:

  • Mining transportation vehicles
  • Rail cars
  • Garbage trucks
  • Dump truck bodies
  • Drag conveyors
  • Bulldozers
  • Equipment buckets
  • Heavy construction
  • Military vehicles
  • Snow plows

Flat plate products

TruWEAR abrasion resistant steel plate is available in multiple grades. Please call for additional details or to inquire about product offerings not included here.

Click on the product name to download the specification sheet.

Plate Products
(nominal HBW)
Charpy Impact
(transverse typical)
@ -40°F (-40°C)
TruWEAR AR235F Plate  235 Up to 0.500" Up to 60"

100 ksi
(689 MPa)

0.58 235

TruWEAR AR400F Plate

400 Up to 0.500” Up to 60" 190 ksi 
(1310 MPa)
0.58 370 - 430 25 ft-lbs (34.0 J)
TruWEAR AR450F Plate 450 Up to 0.500” Up to 60" 215 ksi  
(1482 MPa)
0.58 425 - 475 25 ft-lbs (34.0 J)
TruWEAR AR500F Plate 500 Up to 0.500” Up to 60" 235 ksi  
(1620 MPa)
0.61 470 - 535 22 ft-lbs (29.8 J)
TruWEAR AR550 Plate 550 Up to 0.500” Up to 60" 265 ksi  
(1827 MPa)
0.67 525 - 570 18 ft-lbs (24.4 J)
TruWEAR AR600 Plate 600 Up to 0.500” Up to 60" 290 ksi 
(1999 MPa)
0.84 570 - 650 10 ft-lbs (13.5 J)
TruWEAR AR650 Plate 650 Up to 0.500” Up to 60" 314 ksi 
(2165 MPa)
1.00 625 - 700 10 ft-lbs (13.5 J)

CMC Impact Metals sets the standard for flatness on light gauge quenched and tempered products with our state-of-the-art process. As a result, we guarantee a flatness of 1/4 ASTM A6 on TruSHIELD 500 plate products .300” and thinner. Learn about our TruFLAT® technology here.

To learn more about TruWEAR or to request a quote, contact us today.

* Indicates Required Field

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