As a leading supplier of concrete forming and shoring products, CMC Construction Services specializes in commercial, industrial, civil, power and infrastructure projects. We offer rental forming and shoring equipment from a variety of manufacturers including Meva, Symons and Gates. We also provide forming and shoring products including:
- Coil products
- Form ties
- Forming hardware and accessories
- Circular column forms
Engineering services
Our experienced, reputable engineering team is committed to serving clients and exceeding their expectations. Our engineers hold Professional Engineering (P.E.) licenses in multiple states and apply their technical expertise to meet the requirements and specifications of every project by providing high quality draw-ings and professional plans.
Our application design layouts adhere to the manufacturer’s technical data and application recommendations. In addition, our design standards meet all of ACI Committee 347’s recommendations for design as outlined in chapter two of their Guide to Formwork for Concrete.
- Walls
- Foundations
- Circular structures
- Battered walls
- One-sided formwork
- Roll back systems
- Plate girder design
- Box culvert travelers
- Self-rising core forms
- Lift-and-lock platform systems for core forms
- Custom spreader beams
- Façade retention
- Temporary wall bracing design for wind loading per ASCE
- Shoring
- Re-shoring
- Experts in handset and gang forming systems
- European clamp systems
- Symons formwork systems
- Structural compliance with ASCE, AISC, ACI, NDS, etc.
- Finite element analysis of systems
- Autocad: 2D design layouts for all forming and shoring applications
- Revit structure (BIM): 3D design and representation of forming and shoring applications
- Interference checks with customers’ MEP and structural Revit files
- Bridge retrofit projects
- New bridge construction
- Flying/rolling tables
- Alternate load path
- Plate girder
- Column hung pier cap support
- Bridge overhang support
- Temporary support of pre-cast members
- Elevated deck, wall and beam support
- Temporary bracing design for backfill
- Roller deck beam systems
- Friction collar support application
The all-steel Symons Flex-Form system provides strength and flexibility. Flex-Form has integral 4" deep vertical stiffeners with 3/16" steel skin plate to provide up to a 1,200 PSF system. Flex-Form adapts to any radius five feet and above.
Benefits of Flex Form
- Steel ribs set the radius and bolt to the top and bottom of flexible panels that secure the form in the required radius
- Panels conform to the radius of the ribs assuring the correct radius
- By substituting a straight rib, Flex-Form can be used for straight walls when needed
- No “chording” effect in the poured concrete surface
- The Flex Form system produces smooth concrete surfaces that require minimal finishing labor
- No expensive templates to build, no floppy panels to handle and no bolts to torque
The 10K Frame Shoring System is engineered for maximum strength, labor productivity and reuse capabilities. Most components are available in a wide range of sizes, light enough to be carried by one person and extremely durable, providing long service life.
Benefits of 10K Frame Shoring
- Frame heights of 3’, 4’, 5’, and 6’ available in both 2’ and 4’ widths
- Supports loads of 10K per leg/20K per frame
- Double-hole cross braces provide versatility with fewer parts
- Screw jacks allow for a wide range of vertical adjustment
- Assembled with either W8x10 steel stringers or 7-1/2” aluminum stringers
- Accessories include post shores, aluminum joists and adjustable horizontal shores
- Can be adapted for virtually any configuration
Alshor Plus is the next generation in proven aluminum shoring systems. Alshor maintains loading of up to 21.6 kips/leg, along with labor-saving de-tails enabling shoring operations to be carried out with increased safety, im-proved on-site versatility and greater cost effectiveness.
Benefits of Alshor Plus
- Fully integrated system that can be readily combined with standard alumi-num joists and stringers to provide effective and cost competitive support for formwork
- Simple, single action connects and secures all four ledger frame tabs, mak-ing Alshor Plus the quickest system to erect
- Increased jack extension range for greater on-site flexibility
- Increased load capacity, reducing support equipment and improving cycle times, allowing fast erection and easy in-place modification, reducing site delays and construction costs
- Variable brace frame position allows greater economy for both high- and low-level support
- Additional safety features such as Ledger Frame pockets enable the use of additional handrails
Wall Formwork
MevaLite Formwork system is a modular, handset clamp system that offers contractors a high-tech, low-weight solution for greater flexibility and cost savings. The economic advantages are evident in areas that are conventionally formed using traditional timber and plywood such as strip footings, foundation slabs, light shafts, various beams, landings and drain shafts. A complete formwork set, including accessories weighs, about 10 lbs./sq.ft.
Benefits of MevaLite
- A true handset system with no crane required
- Provides a sturdy, high load capacity of 1,350 psf
- Panels are available in four heights: 9’, 6’, 4’, 3’
- Fewer parts, less inventory compared to traditional formwork systems
- Symmetric panels and tie holes
- No top or bottom to the panels
- Panels can be constructed horizontally or vertically
The Steel-Ply Formwork System is a pre-engineered, reusable concrete forming system. It can be used in handset or gang form applications, for commercial or residential structures. This system can form walls of almost any shape or size, with accessories for special structures and details. It offers the benefit of in-creased productivity and cost saving compared to job-built plywood formwork.
Benefits of Steel-Ply
- 1000 psf allowable pressure
- 1/2” HDO plywood has a concrete appearance
- No special tools are required; a carpenter’s hammer is the only tool needed
- The same form can be handset or gang formed
- Wedge bolts is the only necessary connecting hardware
- Made in the USA
Formwork cleaning and repair
Each Forming and Shoring Center has a dedicated team that cleans and repairs formwork after products are returned from the jobsite. Our state-of-the-art equipment removes and cleans concrete residue from the front and side faces of formwork, and our team makes any needed repairs to ensure each panel is restored and ready for the next use.2120 Industrial Blvd.
Harlingen, TX 78550